How To Make Your School Varsity Soccer Team
soccer December 5th. 2022, 8:40amLearn how to be confident in front of goal and score all your chances!
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As a soccer players, we should always be striving to play at the highest level possible. If you are in middle school or high school, then that level will most likely be your varsity soccer team.
In this video, we go over how to make your school varsity soccer team. We go over a few ways that will help you do this.
How To Make Your School Varsity Soccer Team #1: Practice everyday
You must be practicing at least a little bit every single day if you want to see significant improvements. Doing something everyday creates a habit, which will in turn help you in ways you couldn’t imagine before. Access my free e-book above to learn how to improve everyday.
How To Make Your School Varsity Soccer Team #2: Work Ethic
Probably a coaches favorite quality in a player, working hard is probably one of the best ways to make your varsity team. I have seen hard working players that were not as talented play over talented players all the time. You could do this if you put in the effort.
How To Make Your School Varsity Soccer Team #3: Club Team
I really started to improve my game once I joined a club team in the off season. Club teams tend to play year around, which gives you more chances to improve. They also tend to play at many tournaments against good teams and in front of good coaches.
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