How to cut your football socks and wear your socks like a pro – best football sock hacks. In today’s video, JayMike takes a closer look at how the professional football players wear their football socks, and will teach you some sock hacks so you can wear your football socks like a pro as seen on the feet of CR7, Messi, Neymar and many other professional football players. So if you want to learn how to wear your football socks like a pro and get some great football sock hacks, this is the right video to watch. Here, you will learn how to cut your football socks and use tape or wrap to tie the socks together with your own pair of football socks in order to give you the best possible fit and playing experience with these amazing sock hacks.
BUY YOUR FOOTBALL SOCKS HERE: https://www.unisportstore.com/football-equipment/2716-football-socks/
0:00 Intro
0:32 Cutting socks
4:42 Different ways to wear socks
5:39 Shin pads
7:39 Outro
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